Let's recap what we've been up to:
- I published a book. That's kind of a big deal, right?
- Vanessa and I took up all the tile in our kitchen. Well, mostly Vanessa because she's just that awesome.
- I did several media appearances. Though I haven't been invited to be on The View yet.
- We had floor guys stain the concrete in our kitchen and living room. Color me disappointed.
- We dropped a book bomb on Amazon to get Fundamorphosis to rise up the bestseller lists. Which was a lot of fun.
- We started our new Experimental Collective. I'm going to radically simplifying my diet very soon.
- Because of the floor guys, we cleaned dust off of - literally - everything we own. Literally. I'm using the word "literally" correctly in this sentence. I don't mean "figuratively."
- Vanessa and I had meetings at school over a rather concerning issue. And don't ask for more details because I don't think I'm going to share them with you.
- We also had a very tense conversation with the floor guys. They're not getting a recommendation from us.
- My sister and nephew flew in from Michigan. Awesomesauce.
- We had a party to celebrate the launch of the book. More awesomesauce.
- My nephew, son, and I drove to Dallas to watch the heart-wrenching Browns-Cowboys game. It sucks being a Browns fan. (I almost included the word "sometimes" in that sentence, but let's be honest, it always sucks being a Browns fan.)
- At the game, we met up with my other sister and her husband who flew in from DC to watch the game. Getting to see both of my sisters in the same weekend is very cool, even cooler than the very cool Dallas Cowboys Stadium.
- We drove back from Dallas. Color me tired.

And there have been several things I haven't had a chance to do yet, like hold the newest member of the Vintage family, Master Eli Stripling. And smoke one of the amazing cigars Aaron gave me. And read my newest Sports Illustrated. And sleep enough.
It has been a whirlwind.
And that is why I am so happy that it is this week. The week of Thanksgiving, one of my favorite weeks of the year.
I'm going to get a chance to sleep in.
And hang out with my kids.
And watch the parade and football.
And eat the best meal of the year.
And reflect on all for which I am thankful.
And rest.
The whirlwind times can be fun, but I've learned that it's really emotionally unhealthy to spend all of my time in the midst of the crazy. Bill Hybles once called it "addicted to crisis living mode." This week, I'm getting off of crisis living mode and shifting back into living mode. And resting is the best way I know how.
How about you? What do you do to get out of the whirlwind of crisis living?
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