
Monday, March 07, 2005

Bono Keeps Being Mentioned as the Next President of the World Bank

Listen - I am as big of a U2 fan as the next guy. But really, Bono, President of the World Bank? Come on. Just because a guy has the passion and ability to advocate for third world debt relief does not mean he has the administrative and executive ability to lead the World Bank. This suggestion is just silly. Let's have a wise, compassionate administrator lead the World Bank and let's have Bono leading the greatest band on the planet.


Anonymous said...

"Looks like Bono is keeping his day job"...Bono says hes Flattered, but NO way is leaving the music industry"

Anonymous said...

"Looks like Bono is keeping his day job"...Bono says hes Flattered, but NO way is leaving the music industry"