So it feels like everyone - even me - has abandoned the once popular Grenz. Now people hang out at the Butterfly or Crumbs or somewhere else. In hopes of revitalizing this little website of mine, I will be undertaking an ambitious project of writing and photography.
I have long wanted to stretch my wings as a writer, and I really enjoyed the self-imposed discipline of the Purpose-Driven Life reflections on the Vintage blog. With that in mind, I am going to be starting a writing project here on the Grenz. In the past, I have described my impression that a new theological matrix is needed for the postmodern age. At various times, I have outlined the touchpoints of that theological matrix. Throughout the month of June, in hopes of sparking conversation and thought, I will be painting An Emerging Theological Mosaic, reflecting on various aspects of historical, orthodox, and relevant theology for the Christian church in the postmodern area. I hope you'll talk with me about it as it unfolds.
Second, it has been dawning on me lately that I would like to take some pictures. Several times recently, I have seen a scene (that's a phrase) and thought that it ought to be photographed. I am not a photographer, and I probably don't have very good tools, but I am hoping to post weekly during June pictures I have taken that speak to my own journey of faith. I may be promising more that I can deliver here, but let's find out together.
With all this in mind, I hope to add my random political, cultural, and sports observations too. I'm bringing grenzy back.
You're too grenzy for your blog
too grenzy...
You grenzy thing....
Its like a breathe of fresh air...
I remember the days of checking the Grenz 3 to 4 times daily to see when it updates!
Regarding your comment on photography: that sounds like a great idea. A narrative buttressed with appropriately symbolic images should prove to be quite compelling, and your pictures of St. Catherine's were top-notch. As for the quality of your "tools", photographic toys are irrelevant--your vision is all that matters.
The following is the best article I've read on the subject:
I hope this proves useful. Take care. God bless you.
They're sure as hell NOT at Crumbs, haven't had a comment in what seems like months. This is interesting to me because I have been mulling giving up blogging and blog reading for the summer. I think "I've lost that blogging feeling . . . "
Thanks for the encouragement.
Let me just clarify - I didn't take the pictures at St. Catherines. Photography and picnicking are forbidden there. I coopted them from the chapel's website that is linked to in the title of my post. figures that they wouldn't allow photography. St. Catherine's seems like a very nice place, though. I can certainly see why you're fond of it.
Expouding "your personal journey of faith" with your own photographs (your personal symbolism) certainly sounds like a fantastic idea. I hope it works out as you intend it.
I'm Matthew, BTW. I don't mean to be one of those sneaky "anonymous" types, but I don't have a Google/Blogger account or much of a web page, so I chose this route.
I attended one Vintage's services about 1.5 months back. I then 1) promptly came down with a nasty respiratory infection and 2) decided I was a little uncomfortable intruding on your 40 Days of Purpose program (what with the small groups already formed and all). I experience a degree of anxiety when meeting new people and haven't been feeling well anyway, so I thought I'd wait a bit before visting again.
I wouldn't have interjected here, but I saw your comment on photographing some scenes that you had seen (heh) and on documenting your journey of faith with photos, and I thought I'd try to be supportive since I have an interest in photography and can clearly see the utility in what you mentioned. I myself have seen many scenes that simply need to be seen by others, and I occasionally try to link a philosophical realization or mood with just the right photograph (sadly, it's a rare thing for me to have a good match).
Anyway, I, for one, am looking forward to seeing what you have to convey. You certainly have an ambitious itinerary for June.
Thanks for outing yourself. I am sorry you were sick, and that you didn't want to jump in on Life Together. We are starting a new series tomorrow called The Cry of the Soul, where Aaron and I will be talking about Psalms that have meant a lot to us on our journey, and we're gearing up for a fun Transformers series in July. It's a good time to check us out again. Vintage is full of people with all kinds of anxieties. I wish I could promise that none of them would bite ... Make sure you introduce yourself to me when you visit again. I hate to admit as a pastor how bad I am at keeping people's names and faces straight.
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