
Saturday, November 15, 2008

Watch This!

Texas high school playoffs, 1994, at the Cowboys stadium. John Tyler High School leads Plano East 41-16 with only 2:42 left in the game. Watch this.


Jamal said...

That was going to be the most incredible thing I've ever seen, but it was actually the most depressing.

Vanessa said...

I thought when I married such a bad man, I could reform you into a nice person.

Apparently not.

wendy said...

that was the most hilarious thing I've seen in a while--those announcers made my life.

Anonymous said...

Hah! That was beautiful, Robb. Those kids learned a wonderful lesson about the nature of life (particularly on the nature of fortune). ;-)

klasieprof said...

Shades of MLK..."He's got the ball, he's got the ball...Good gosh almighty, he's GOT the ball!!"...FREE AT LAST....

wendy said...

the game last night killed me. KILLED ME.


i am pretty sure i had a small heart attack.