
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Guest Post: My Adoption Story

I am guest posting today at A Moment Cherished, the wonderful blog of my friend Tiffany Darling. Check it out:

I started dreaming about adopting when I was a teenager.  
I grew up in fundamental Baptist churches where political issues were painted with the same broad and often simplistic brush as everything else. The only political issue that really mattered was abortion. I was taught that all true Christians were pro-life, and all pro-lifers should do everything possible to end abortion. And so I wore my “God is pro-life” t-shirt. I attended rallies and marches in Washington DC. I read books by Randall Terry. And I dreamed of one day adopting a baby who could have been a victim of abortion. 
Fifteen years later, my dream came true. Read more ...


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